Use of Smart Phones, Tablets, and the Web to Track Sexual Assault Kits and Provide a Victim Portal

This conference workshop presentation discusses how jurisdictions are being tasked with tracking their sexual assault (SA) kits from collection at medical facilities, inventory and storage, analysis at crime laboratories and storage or destruction after completion or analysis. In addition, in many cases they are required to provide anonymous access to victims so they can track the status of their kits. SAM-TRACK is unique in that it was developed by a public entity using federal grant funds. It provides a secure platform and leverages current technologies and best practices using the web or mobile devices. The victim portal is designed to provide kit status anonymously. SANEs have been doing their forensic exams on paper then scanning them, so the presenters created an iPad app to make it more efficient.

Ed Arib

Public Safety Manager

Portland, Oregon, Police Bureau

Results-driven technology leader with more than 30 years' experience in information technology management, software engineering and manufacturing. He is acknowledged for talents conceptualizing and directing the development and continuous refinement of advanced technology solutions to meet clients' needs. Held different roles during my career, including VP of Engineering, Director of IT, Senior Software Architect, Project Manager, Technical Lead and Programmer/Analyst.  He holds an advanced degree in Mechanical Engineering from Oregon State University and an Engineering degree in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering from l'Ecole Nationale Suprieure de Mcanique et d'rotechnique in France.  He is currently responsible for the development and support of software applications for the Portland Police Bureau (PPB), Portland Fire & Rescue (PF&R) and the Bureau of Emergency Communication (BOEC). 

Susan Lehman

Sexual Assault Kit Program Coordinator, Portland, Oregon, Police Bureau

Susan Lehman is the Sexual Assault Kit Program Coordinator for the Portland Police Bureau.  Prior to becoming the PC she worked in the Sex Crimes Unit of 6 years, specializing in advocacy. She also worked 17 years in their Records Division. 


Use of Smart Phones, Tablets, and the Web to Track Sexual Assault Kits and Provide a Victim Portal Conference Workshop Presentation
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IACP Credit Hours and Certificate of Attendance
1.00 IACP Credit Hours credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 IACP Credit Hours credit  |  Certificate available