The State of Modern Slavery in the U.S.: Trends and Tools for Law Enforcement and Victim Service Providers

A webinar that discusses common human trafficking businesses and best strategies for collaboration with the Human Trafficking Hotline on human trafficking cases.

Target Audience: Law enforcement personnel and victim service providers

Overall Objective: To increase awareness of human trafficking business models and typologies in the U.S., Enhance the capacity of law enforcement and victim service providers to identify victims and investigate cases through collaboration with the National Human Trafficking Hotline and Polaris' Disruption Strategies team, Deliver practical resources to aid jurisdictions in disrupting human trafficking operations across the country, and Provide the opportunity to connect with National Human Trafficking Hotline staff and Polaris' Disruption Strategies team to obtain essential information to combat human trafficking.

Project Funding Provided By: The Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice

Includes: A webinar featuring panelists Elizabeth Gerrior, Data Quality & Reports Manager, Polaris, Sam Gillis, Case Analyst, National Human Trafficking Hotline, Polaris, Rochelle Keyhan, Director of Disruption Strategies, Polaris, Grant Snyder, Sergeant, Minneapolis Police Department.

To learn more about IACP’s anti-human trafficking resources, go to the


The State of Modern Slavery in the U.S.: Trends and Tools for Law Enforcement and Victim Service Providers Webinar
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IACP Credit Hours and Certificate of Attendance
1.50 IACP Credit Hours credits  |  Certificate available
1.50 IACP Credit Hours credits  |  Certificate available