Public Information Officers Section Webinar: Developing Resiliency Through Self-Care for Public Information Officers

The goal of this webinar is to provide Public Information Officers some insight into the relationship between stress & mental wellness. 

Overall Objective: We will view how stress can influence one’s mental wellness and provide strategies and tips that focus on self-care and improved wellness. In addition, you will have the opportunity to take a brief assessment to understand your state of potential burnout.

Target Audience: Public Information Officers

Includes: A webinar to help public information officers manage self care. 

Dr. Lisa Grossman

President, Founder

SMR Performance

Dr. Lisa Grossman, President and Founder of SMR Performance Consulting, is an expert in performance psychology and mental health training with extensive experience working with military and law enforcement agencies, healthcare providers, combat and wounded veterans, corporations and employees, and professional athletes. In addition to providing training and consulting services through SMR, Dr. Grossman is a Peak Performance Team Lead for HRS Consulting and serves as an instructor at St. Johns River State College’s Criminal Justice Academy. As an instructor, she oversees the Officer Health and Wellness curriculum and teaches recruits as well as Florida Department of Law Enforcement advanced courses to law enforcement officers from around the state. She has served as the Peak Performance Center Director at Wounded Warrior Project’s TRACK Program where she provided mental skills training to wounded veterans transitioning into civilian life while combating PTSD, TBI, and other injuries sustained. Over the years, she has offered her knowledge and expertise in biofeedback training to develop educational and training protocols for the US Army’s Center for Enhanced Performance as well as for a biofeedback company where she served as the Clinical Program Manager. Additional information can be found at


PIO Section Webinar: Developing Resiliency Through Self-Care for Public Information Officers Webinar Recording
Open to view video.
Open to view video. The goal of this webinar is to provide Public Information Officers some insight into the relationship between stress & mental wellness. During this interactive webinar, we will focus on what causes stress & how to better navigate challenging times while developing a more resilient & adaptive mindset. In addition, PIOs will learn key strategies aimed at improving mental & physical wellness including sleep strategies & mindfulness training. The goal of the webinar is to take a look at how stress can influence mental wellness; Take a brief assessment to understand your state of potential burnout; Strategies and tips that focus on self-care & improved wellness.
IACP Credit Hours and Certificate
1.00 IACP Credit Hours credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 IACP Credit Hours credit  |  Certificate available