Preparing for Success: Strategic Planning for Collaborative Crisis Response

  • Workshop Description: The development and delivery of effective crisis response programs require collaboration between law enforcement (LE), behavioral health (BH) (including mental health and substance use), and disability stakeholders.
  • Target Audience: Law Enforcement Personnel
  • Learning Objectives:
    • Learning Objective 1: Describe the purpose and process of strategic planning for collaborative crisis response;
    • Learning Objective 2: Identify barriers to strategic planning and methods to overcome them;
    • Learning Objective 3: Identify resources to support law enforcement agencies in strategic planning efforts.
  • Project Funding Provided by: Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), U.S. Department of Justice 
  • This panel features Law Enforcement, Behavioral Health, and disability professionals from communities who have participated in strategic planning for a collaborative crisis response program. These professionals spoke to their experiences with the strategic planning process and identify key steps for effective collaboration.

Dan Abreu

Senior Project Associate, Policy Research Assciate

Leigh Ann Davis

Director of the Arc's National Center on Criminal Justice and Disability

Brian Peete


Montpelier Police Department

Hannah McManus

Research Associate

University of Cincinnati

Johnny Hollingsworth


Huntsville Police Department


Preparing for Success: Strategic Planning for Collaborative Crisis Response 
Recorded 03/08/2022
Recorded 03/08/2022