Perspective Series: The Role of Resilience in Officer Safety and Wellness
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Summary: A series of brief testimonial videos features participants from the VALOR Law Enforcement Resilience Training Program discussing their perspectives on the value of the training, the importance of officer safety and wellness, and specific resilience skills that have made an impact in their own lives and careers.
Target Audience: Law enforcement personnel
Overall Objective: To establish the importance of resilience and mental wellness, provide an overview of the VALOR Law Enforcement Resilience Training Program, and explain and demonstrate skills for improving mental wellness, both at work and at home.
Project Funding Provided By: The Bureau of Justice Assistance, developed in partnership with the University of Pennsylvania.
Includes: A series of short videos that provides an overview of the VALOR Law Enforcement Resilience Training Program, as well as videos of subject matter experts discussing strategies to help law enforcement personnel better their mental wellness.
Andrew Vocasek
Officer, Lincoln, Nebraska, Police Department
Joseph Clark
Deputy Chief (Ret.), Norfolk, Virginia, Police Department
Nic Allen
Victim Witness Coordinator (Ret.), South Dakota Highway Patrol
Richard Creamer
Norfolk, Virginia, Police Department
Sergeant Rich Creamer is a 20-year veteran of the Norfolk Police Department and is currently assigned to the Norfolk Police Department's Training Division, where he is responsible for the development, maintenance, and instruction of courses related to Critical Incident Stress Management and Peer Support. Sergeant Creamer also provides CISM/Peer Support services to the Norfolk Police Department as well as other emergency services agencies throughout the region while developing an evolving-based vision and mission for the Norfolk Police Department to reflect trends in public safety mental health and wellness. Sgt. Creamer currently works with the International Association of Chiefs of Police and University of Penn in the development and delivery of VALOR- Resiliency in Law Enforcement curriculum. Prior to his current assignment, Sgt. Creamer held a leadership position in the Criminal Intelligence Unit and has extensive experience in violent crime investigations and criminal street gangs. Sergeant Creamer holds both a Bachelor's degree from Old Dominion University in Sociology and a Master's degree from Liberty University in Human Services Counseling.