Navigating the Roadmap: A Guide to Development and Operations for Multidisciplinary Anti-Human Trafficking Task Forces
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Navigating the Roadmap: A Guide to Development and Operations for Multidisciplinary Anti-Human Trafficking Task Forces: A webinar that discusses the stages of group development with assessment metrics that are designed to assist interdisciplinary groups with achieving and assessing collaborative impact as teams.
Target Audience: Law Enforcement Personnel, Prosecutors, Victim Service Providers, and Allied Stakeholders
Overall Objective: To provide anti-human trafficking task forces with a tool to identify needs and gaps in processes, collaboration, growth, performance, and progress toward requirements of grant funding (if applicable); to reinforce that development of a multidisciplinary task force is a process that requires time, attention, and intention; and to equip task forces with resources that support capacity building and sustainability.
Project Funding Provided By: This product is supported by the International Association of Chiefs of Police under 2020-VT-BX-K002 awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this product are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
Includes: A webinar that will help participants to classify four distinct areas of work in which task force efforts are grounded, describe the process of task force development through five stages, communicate two practical ways in which they can use the Roadmap in their jurisdiction, and identify two ways that conducting a task force self-assessment using the Roadmap can identify gaps and/or develop strategies for improving the collaborative functioning of a task force.
Please consider having a copy of the Development and Operations Roadmap handy for your reference during this webinar. You can also see the Roadmap in the Handouts section in IACPlearn.
To learn more about IACP’s anti-human trafficking resources, go to the https://www.theiacp.org/projects/anti-human-trafficking-training-and-technical-assistance.

Erin Albright
Co-Director of Project Roadmap
Erin Albright, JD, has over 14 years of experience in the anti-trafficking and specializes in building organizational capacity and multidisciplinary collaboration through leadership, training, and consultation with service providers, law enforcement, task forces, and law makers. She is the co-Director of Project Roadmap, a federally funded program that provides technical assistance to DOJ funded human trafficking Task Forces. In 2016 Ms. Albright was awarded a three-year Visiting Fellowship with the US Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime where she focused on improving victim-centered response strategies, developing capacity building tools and trainings for labor trafficking, and building multidisciplinary collaboration to respond to human trafficking. Her previous experience includes positions as the Director of the New Hampshire Human Trafficking Collaborative Task Force, Regional Program Director for the private operating foundation Give Way to Freedom, and Data and Outreach Specialist for the Boston Police Department’s Human Trafficking Unit. She has served as the co-chair of the Freedom Network’s Policy Committee, and co-Chair of the Boston Bar Association’s Human Trafficking Committee. She is a graduate of Mary Washington College, and Boston College Law School, and a member of the Massachusetts Bar. In 2016 she received a Commendation from (former) New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan, and formal recognition by ICE/HSI and Senators Jean Shaheen and Kelly Ayotte for her work on behalf of survivors and with the NH Collaborative Task Force.

Alissa M. Huntoon
Senior Policy Advisor & Law Enforcement Program Coordinator
United States Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime
As a Senior Policy Advisor at the Office for Victims of Crime, Department of Justice (DOJ), Alissa develops and implements national criminal justice system policy initiatives. Her current portfolio includes oversight of the Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking programming and related training and technical assistance to ECMs, law enforcement, prosecution and victim service provider partners. Alissa worked previously at the Bureau of Justice Assistance (DOJ) supporting a range of law enforcement and community-based crime reduction initiatives. Prior to joining DOJ, Alissa worked for the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) where she oversaw grant programs that advance policy and practice within the law enforcement profession. Before joining the IACP, Alissa worked for Circle Solutions, Inc., providing research and evaluation services for the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) supported Cops in Schools program. Ms. Huntoon earned her B.A. in Sociology with an emphasis in criminal justice from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities and her Master’s of Public Policy from American University.

Kristen McGeeney (Moderator)
Project Manager
Kristen McGeeney is a Project Manager in the Programs division of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and has been with the IACP for four years. She oversees the day-to-day programmatic, logistic, and financial details of several projects focused on providing innovative and victim-centered training and technical assistance (TTA) on human trafficking and gender-based violence to law enforcement and allied partners. Currently, she manages the National Human Trafficking Training & Technical Assistance Program for Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) Task Forces, which provides training on emerging techniques and best practices to support trauma-informed and victim-centered investigations and prosecutions of human trafficking; address core multidisciplinary task force operational needs; and build trust between persons subjected to human trafficking and justice system personnel.
Prior to joining the IACP, Kristen served as a Special Investigator with the University of Maryland Office of Civil Rights & Sexual Misconduct, as the Title IX Coordinator at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, and as a police corporal at McDaniel College Department of Campus Safety, where she specialized in conducting trauma-informed investigations of gender-based violence. Kristen has been conducting law enforcement training on gender-based violence since 2012, and is a former trustee of the Rape Crisis Intervention Service of Carroll County, MD. Kristen is a graduate of McDaniel College in Westminster, MD and is currently pursuing a Master of Public Health (MPH) at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, where she is violence prevention fellow with the Bloomberg American Health Initiative.