Law Enforcement Fitness Program Implementation Toolkit: Scalable Solutions for Measurable Success
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This conference workshop presentation discusses the Law Enforcement Fitness Program Implementation Toolkit that helps agencies overcome the most common barriers to implementing a fitness program. From reduced risk of injuries and heart disease, to increased job readiness and improved mental health, research continually proves the valuable, meaningful, life-saving benefits of exercise for officers. However, while many agencies support the concept of fitness, they often find it difficult to implement an agency-wide fitness program. It is user-friendly and scalable, to help agencies of all sizes and budget levels efficiently achieve measurable fitness success. Practical, step-by-step instruction helps agencies set custom fitness goals and metrics, then distribute corresponding science-based exercise training guides that gradually and systematically increase officer tactical athleticism.

Mandy Nice, U.S. Army Certified Master Fitness Trainer, NSCA TSAC-F,*D, NSCA CPT,*D, FMSC-L2, NPTI-MPT
Tactical Program Manager: Public Safety
The National Strength and Conditioning Association
Mandy Nice has over 15 years of experience developing and implementing physical fitness and wellness programs that measurably improve the strength and resilience of tactical athletes and civilians. Her science-based, results-focused approach has consistently produced positive results that have earned national-level awards for measurably improving employee health, fitness, and quality-of-life. Mandy actively serves as a guest speaker at state, national and international law enforcement conferences to help share scalable best practices for sustainable success. To further support agencies, Mandy also serves as the Tactical Program Manager of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). She is responsible for fully equipping members of law enforcement and fire/rescue with the essential research, training, tools, and resources to establish safe tactical athletic programs that optimize job readiness while reducing injury risk. Mandy’s greatest motivator is helping members of law enforcement and fire/rescue optimize their fitness and health so that they can enjoy strong, rewarding careers and long, healthy retirements.

Jay Dawes
Assistant Professor
Oklahoma State University
Jay Dawes PhD, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT, TSAC-F, FNSCA, is an Assistant Professor of Applied Exercise Science at Oklahoma State University (OSU) and the co-director of the OSU Tactical Fitness and Nutrition Lab. He has worked as a strength/performance coach, personal trainer, educator, and post-rehabilitation specialist for over 20 years. His primary research interst is aimed at improving the health, fitness and occupational performance of police, fire and military personnel.