In This Together: How Interagency and Interdisciplinary Collaborations Maximize Wellness Programs

Presentation Description: Many agencies must go it alone when it comes to wellness. Limited by resources and overwhelmed with demands, departments may struggle to meet employee wellness needs. In Greater Cincinnati, Ohio, wellness teams from Cincinnati Police Department, Cincinnati Fire Department, and Hamilton County Sheriff's Office have successfully implemented a collaborative model to divide joint administrative needs and share resources. Eliminating the proverbial reinvention of the wheel has allowed coordinators to place more focus on direct employee support while increasing wellness innovation within their own departments. Learn how a united, multi-agency effort has ignited a ripple effect across the county that is strengthening wellness programs, reducing stigma, and creating a diverse network of mental health and peer support.

  • Participants will learn how to apply inter-agency wellness collaboration to increase program effectiveness, decrease agency cost, and increase accessibility of training and resources.
  • Participants will be able to describe a framework for a comprehensive, multi-dimensional approach to responding to a potentially traumatic event (PTE).
  • Participants will be able to demonstrate how standardization of best practices in first responder wellness benefits a region and increases quality of wellness services within an agency.


In This Together: How Interagency and Interdisciplinary Collaborations Maximize Wellness Programs
Recorded 02/21/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 02/21/2024  |  60 minutes