Child Sex Trafficking: A Training Series for Frontline Officers
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The Child Sex Trafficking training educates frontline officers on how to recognize and respond to victims of child sex trafficking.
Target Audience: Sworn law enforcement officers only
Overall Objective: Recognize indicators of child sex trafficking; Respond appropriately; and Refer for investigation.
Project Funding Provided By: The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
Includes: A training that educates frontline officers on how to recognize and respond to victims of child sex trafficking. This is a series of training videos which depict sworn law enforcement officers demonstrating alternative responses to different types of scenarios involving child sex trafficking.
If you are a sworn law enforcement officer or a prosecutor and cannot access this course, please contact Learn@theiacp.org.
To learn more about IACP’s anti-human trafficking resources, go to the https://www.theiacp.org/projects/anti-human-trafficking-training-and-technical-assistance.