Career Check-Up: Professional Development as a Wellness Tool

Presentation Description: Law enforcement professionals need career and professional development now more than ever. Given the climate, the recruiting and retention crisis, and the evolving landscape of expectations, professional growth and career development have taken a back seat. In this session, we will cover the foundational concepts of career planning and professional development. Using the strategic career model, participants will be able to identify skills, plan for their future, and ask themselves important questions in their own career journey and can address the significant health and wellness issues police agencies face today. Participants will leave with a strategic career framework and significant resources to support their journey.

Methodology: This is an interactive single-speaker presentation. Career development is an important way to enhance employee engagement, increase recruitment and retention, provide career paths for sworn and civilian staff, support professional wellness, and ensure that everyone in the agency has the skills necessary to create value in community safety. At the conclusion, the participants will leave with resources and a framework they can apply immediately upon return to their agency. Empowering officers and civilians to take ownership of their career improves organizational and personal wellness. This session was built primarily through personal experience of the presenter, and supported by evidence-based research from leadership, management, and career development academic studies.

  • 1. Increase and enhance your ability to make self-directed professional development plans (known as individual development plans);
  • 2. Foster a strategic view toward life-long learning and development through devising a career planning strategy;
  • 3. Enable professional skill development for present and future success through reflection, awareness, planning, and revision.

Colin May

Senior Advisor

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General (OIG), Office of Investigation

Colin May, M.S., CFE, 3CE, INCI is the Senior Advisor for the HUD OIG Office of Investigation; previously he was the Assistant Director of Strategy and Training for the HUD OIG Office of Investigation where he is responsible for the design, development, delivery, and assessment of training to nearly 200 special agents, forensic auditors, investigative analysts, and professional staff across the country. In addition, he oversees and manages the performance review process, the after-action review/lessons learned process, and strategy development for the component. A career investigator, he joined HUD OIG as a Forensic Auditor in January 2021 after serving as a Bankruptcy Auditor with the Office of the United States Trustee, U.S. Department of Justice. Prior to joining the U.S. Trustee Program, Colin was a Special Agent with the U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Export Enforcement (OEE); he began his career as a Special Agent with the U.S. Department of Defense, conducting financial investigations. Colin’s education includes a B.S. from Siena College, a M.S. from Stevenson University, and graduate certificates from Northeastern University (forensic accounting), the University of Southern Maine (leadership studies), and Purdue University (strategic communications). A Certified Fraud Examiner and Certified Cyber Crime Examiner, and a National Certified Instructor from the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST), Colin has also authored several articles, which have appeared in Fraud Magazine, Fraud Examiner, the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, Security Management, Police Chief Magazine, Training and Standards Director Magazine. He is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the Police Executive Research Forum, and the National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives.


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