Avoiding the "X": Understanding the Dynamics of Officer Safety and Citizen Interactions
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Presentation Description: In this session, we will focus on three studies conducted by the FBI over a 30-year period. These foundational policing studies identified three components that exist in every police encounter: (1) the officer, (2) the circumstances, and (3) the person. We will examine each one individually to understand and show how controlling each may help positively impact the outcome of each police encounter. By understanding the research and current trends and taking proactive measures within each of these three components, officers will be able to better mitigate risks associated with felonious attacks against law enforcement and improve officer safety.
- Be familiar with the historical studies that defined the "dynamics of officer safety and citizen interaction" to include the three components and how it relates to violence against law enforcement.
- Understand current trends that contribute to attacks upon law enforcement.
- Understand how to take proactive measures within each of the three components to mitigate risks of felonious attacks against law enforcement and improve officer safety.